Critical-Analytical Reflection

The Assignment

***You must complete this assignment at a Satisfactory level to pass the course.***

Choose a theme from the course that you think you learned a lot about. Write a blog post articulating what you learned and why this issue is important.

This will be similar to your Unit blog posts but should cover more units.

Be creative – think about what you learned in the Labs as well as the readings/lecture/discussion.

You are welcome to write in the first person. You are welcome to describe your learning journey from the beginning of the semester to the end on this theme.  Or you can write a more traditional third person analysis – your choice.

Posts are Due 11:59 pm WEDNESDAY of exam week. Submit the link to your post on Canvas. I will do my best to evaluate all posts by Thursday. Revisions using the token system are allowed but all revisions must be made by Friday 5 pm.


  • A key question, issue, theme should be driving the post (its focus!)
  • Specific details from *RELEVANT* course materials to support your claims.
    • Minimum 4 readings/articles (multiple chapters from Risam = 2 of the 4)
    • Readings/book/articles must come from both before midterm and after midterm
    • Use lecture videos & as many projects/websites as are relevant
    • You can use private blog discussion and posts only if paraphrasing in context of what you learned – do not name students or directly quote or trash another student’s ideas)
    • Optional: public Unit blog posts on other students’ blogs or your own blogs
  • Post should be in the same place as your others (on a subdomain dedicated to this course OR tagged with a category dedicated to this course)
  • Reference list at the bottom using a specific styleguide like MLA, Chicago, APA
  • No minimum/maximum word count. Just do not pad and add repetition or wordy sentences to make it look longer – such posts will be marked Incomplete. Do not write so briefly that we have no idea what you’re talking about or that the post has no depth. Find the balance; make every word count; ALLOW TIME TO EDIT
  • Abides by the guidelines for discussion we established for the class at the beginning of the semester.

Documentation of sources

  1. Works cited list that includes all articles, websites, projects used or referenced in the writing of your post including lecture notes
    • Any format (MLA, APA, etc.) is fine as long as you are consistent and provide full information where available
    • LINK to what’s online
  2. Citations within the text of your post whenever you USE IDEAS or PARAPHRASE or QUOTE from another source
    • Most citations should be parenthetical with AUTHOR (or abbreviated title if no obvious author – e.g., CCP for Colored Conventions Project) + PAGE NUMBER if there are pages; citation should LINK if the source is online
    • Example: (Gallon, “Making a Case”)
    • Example: (Earhart, “Information,” 310)
    • Example: As Gallon argues, ….
    • Quotation marks around any direct quotations
    • Lecture videos can be linked and referenced.
      • Example “As Dr. S describes….”
      • Example: “Libraries and museums use JSON to provide linked open data for their collections. (Schroeder, “Week 15 Lecture”)”
      • Put videos you use in the Works Cited using your preferred citation style

Class discussion points on the private blog can be mentioned without citation or as something along the lines of “in class discussion…”. Do not link to the private blog or mention students’ names; do not list the private blog in Works Cited

You are welcome to provide links to outside resources/websites/articles/etc related to your topic(s but they are not required; this is not a research paper.


Excellent posts will be featured on the course site & blog roll.

Posts are Due 11:59 pm WEDNESDAY OF EXAM WEEK.

featured image from writerswrite

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