I take academic integrity very seriously. As your professor, I pledge to be honest with you, and I hope that you will do the same for me as well as your peers.
For this course, academic dishonesty includes any violations covered by the University of Oklahoma policy (including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and lying to receive a higher grade), as well as submitting without permission one’s own prior work for a new assignment—prior work from this course or another course, and prior work in whole or in part. (Specifically assigned revisions to assignments are exempt.) Any alleged or suspected violations will be referred to the Office of Academic Integrity Programs. Sanctions for academic misconduct can include expulsion from the University and an F in this course.
On collaborating: you are welcome to work together in class and help each other solve problems with your assignments. You may provide guidance to each other but do not complete the entire homework/assignments for each other.
I encourage any student with questions about academic integrity, plagiarism, or the OU Academic Integrity Policies to ask me for clarifications.